Going Forward

Of bleeding lambs
I'm embracing birds

In an effort to lead a more liberated, undistracted, cohesive and disciplined life wholly dedicated to composing and performing music, stop-motion animation filmmaking, literature, painting, languages and personal studies, Justin has decided to leave social media entirely. Additionally, he has decided to significantly reduce his internet presence, exposure to and usage in general in order to cultivate a more productive, private and inward-oriented lifestyle of creative and spiritual satisfaction—without the constant and burdensome presence of screens and telephones.

To stay updated on Justin's work, please:

Please note that there will be no changes regarding Feeding Fingers.

All concert bookings and public appearances will be managed by Sean Padilla at Happy Nomad Booking: happynomadbooking@gmail.com 

All advertising, promotions and related activities will be managed by various public relations firms and agents from now on.