Going Forward 

Of bleeding lambs
I'm embracing birds

In an effort to lead a more liberated, undistracted, cohesive and disciplined life wholly dedicated to composing and performing music, stop-motion animation filmmaking, literature, painting, languages and personal studies, Justin has decided to leave social media entirely. Additionally, he has decided to significantly reduce his internet presence, exposure to and usage in general in order to cultivate a more productive, private and inward-oriented lifestyle of creative and spiritual satisfaction—without the constant and burdensome presence of screens and telephones.

To stay updated on Justin's work, please:

Please note that there will be no changes regarding Feeding Fingers.

All concert bookings and public appearances will be managed by Sean Padilla at Happy Nomad Booking: happynomadbooking@gmail.com 

All advertising, promotions and related activities will be managed by various public relations firms and agents from now on.

Feeding Fingers Music Video Director, Steven Lapcevic , Wins Official Pink Floyd Animation Contest - "Dark Side of the Moon" 50th Anniversary 

We are thrilled to share with you all that our dear friend, creative collaborator, and honorary fourth member of Feeding Fingers, Steven Lapcevic, has been selected as one of the winners of the official Pink Floyd "Dark Side of the Moon" animation competition for the influential track, "On the Run," commemorating the historic album's 50th anniversary!

The most heartfelt of congratulations go out to you, Steven, not only on behalf of Justin, Bradley, and Julian but certainly from the listeners, familes and friends of Feeding Fingers who know you and have been following your work since the release of your first music video for the band's song, "Fireflies Make Us Sick," fourteen short years ago.

All of us have watched your work grow and evolve over the years, with each music video becoming more beautiful and intriguing than the last. We are all pleased to see that you're receiving the exposure that you've worked so hard and consistently for.

May your art continue to provide inspiration and joy to countless others for years to come. We love you, Steven!


Also, watch Steven's introduction to the music video here: 



After much consideration, I have decided to abandon social media. Nothing will change with regard to Feeding Fingers. The music group will still be active across the usual platforms, but I and my work outside of the band will not.

If you are interested in staying updated with my work outside of Feeding Fingers - be it my writing, painting, film, animation, etc., simply bookmark my website (justincurfman.net), join the email newsletter found there and(or) join the Telegram channel here:


Thank you,
Justin Curfman

New Feeding Fingers Music Video! "Eat My Eyes or Please Them" - Directed by Steven Lapcevic 

Directed and Animated by Steven Lapcevic. Keep up with his work here: 
- stevenlapcevic.com 
- instagram.com/stevenlapcevic


Get the album on CD or digital download now at BandCamp: 

Stream Feeding Fingers' entire discography on Spotify, Apple Music or wherever you prefer to listen to music. 


We are slowly transitioning away from social media in general. Keep up with Feeding Fingers and Justin Curfman via Telegram and the Email newsletter:

- Feeding Fingers on Telegram: https://t.me/feedingfingersofficial

- Justin Curfman on Telegram: https://t.me/justincurfman

Feeding Fingers 2023 USA Tour Dates  

Feeding Fingers' 2023 USA Tour Schedule!
Other shows may still be added. Stay tuned!
Brought to you by Happy Nomad Booking!
Image: Steven Lapcevic - instagram.com/stevenlapcevic
Please send all press requests via email to: tephramedia@gmail.com
Feeding Fingers was formed in 2006 by Justin Curfman in the USA and re-located to the EU in 2010 (Germany & Italy) and has since evolved into an internationally connected project with intermittent members from the USA, Germany, Austria, Serbia and Italy. Feeding Fingers has toured N. America & Europe since 2006 with IAMX, David J. (Bauhaus, Love & Rockets), Nitzer Ebb & others, including two appearances on National Public Radio. The group has recorded 7 LPs, 1 EP and has composed music for the theatre in Italy (Napoli), film, TV, video games and more.

- YouTube (Music Videos): youtube.com/tephramedia
May 19 - Richmond, VA - Fallout RVA
May 20 - Baltimore, MD - The Crown
May 22 - Brooklyn, NY - The Kingsland
May 26 - Portland, ME - Geno's Rock Club
May 27 - Boston, MA - Midway Café
May 30 - Buffalo, NY - Mohawk Place
June 1 - Pittsburgh, PA - Government Records Center
June 2 - Cincinnati, OH - The Comet
June 3 - Dayton, OH, South Park Tavern
June 6 - St. Louis, MO - The Platypus
June 7 - Chicago, IL - TBA

Ventris tui - With Music from Justin Curfman (Feeding Fingers) 

Ventris tui: una performance che unisce diverse arti e forme di comunicazione: danza, recitazione, canto, musica, testimonianza, giornalismo, arte. Video: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CmHeccYMiYa/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY=​​​​​​​

Music by Justin Curfman (Feeding Fingers). 
Info.: tinyurl.com/5dy2rrnc

🔹 #AngelaDeMatteo reciterà i monologhi della performance. 
🔸Danzatrici: Ginevra Cecere, Manuela Facelgi, Barbara Krumm, Fabrizia Maddaloni. 
🔹Corpo di ballo: Francesca Ferraresi, Martina Golino, Elisea Scagliarini. 
🔸Musiciste: Alessia Viti (violino), Pina Valentino (tammorra). 

🔲 Direzione artistica di @amdimaio Annamaria Di Maio; drammaturgia e regia di Michele Casella; coreografie di Francesca Gammella; costumi di Filippo Laterza; service a cura di Dietro le quinte Srl; grafica di Valentina Gervasio; digital strategy Francesca Cartolano; ufficio stampa Marco Calafiore; riprese video e foto di Cubo creativity design; organizzazione di Simona Di Nardo. 

▪️Promotrice dello spettacolo è l’Associazione Arabesque, con la direzione artistica di Annamaria Di Maio, nota coreografa e docente di danza. Dal 2022 Arabesque è riconosciuta come Organismo di Produzione della danza dal Ministero della Cultura Italiana. 

15- 22 e 29 DICEMBRE 2022 – Ore 21:00 
📌 TUNNEL BORBONICO: Via Domenico Morelli, 61 
📩 info@arbdancecompany.it 
📲 3792323995 
Spettacolo realizzato all’interno della rassegna “Altri Natali”, promossa e finanziata da @culturanapoli e @comunedinapoli 
Produzione @associazionearabesque 
Video: @cubocreativitydesign @cubocreativitydesign_official 
Musica: Justin Curfman
#altrinatali #succedeanapoli #natale2022 #napoli #performance #feedingfingers #justincurfman

Mailing List

Join the mailing list and(or) the Telegram channels for updates.

- Justin Curfman - 


Art Sales: 

- Feeding Fingers - 

Concert Booking:
Happy Nomad Booking (Sean Padilla)

Streaming (Everywhere):
Spotify / Apple Music 
CDs / LPs / Digital / Merch.: 

Feeding Fingers on Telegram: 

Music Videos:

Music Licensing:

Feeding Fingers on Social Media: